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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  November 5, 2012 4:00am-6:00am PST

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another court to stay you see for yourself every winding upper 70's ladies. daly city 77. 81 fairfield vallejo. livermore is at 84. 83 in sunnyvale. it will be a pretty hot but inland a perfect day to go to the beach. the perfect a to lay out and work content. 83 for santa cruz. upper 17 monterey. mostly sunny
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conditions. mid-70s for bodega bay. for stinson beach. mid '70s and ocean beach. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast we will continue with a record- breaking temperatures as we head into tomorrow. temperatures will cool. thursday we are tracking the passage of a call from. we could see showers along it in on the back in as well. flaw that could continue into friday morning. sunny conditions and to the afternoon. temperatures drastically cooler into the week and well below the seasonal average. your highs in line los '60s. the '60s for your bay locations and upper 50s with the coast. >> in traffic is a quiet morning. we do have overnight's construction but we're not looking at hot spots and slowdowns. your approach to the bay bridge toll plaza five out of oakland and santa scope. traffic is flowing freely
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know literalist contend with. >> the san mateo bridge to allies heading towards foster city. southbound 101 the golden gate bridge looking good. off to a little bit of ground fog for our more spirit no overnight's construction to contend with. as we take it to our traffic mabs the have a light tap on the brakes east bound to 37. northbound 101 looks good coming of the coyote valley. the north bay we see going on the road with sensors speeds over 50 mi. per hour. the drive is 22 minutes out of novato into the city. >> f a queue erica the time is 4:20 a.m.. there was a search and rescue mission as a boat flipped and five people were thrown into the water including five children. rescue helicopters found the people clinging to the whole of the overturned boat. two children were
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trapped inside the boat which had to be towed to shore. fire fighters cut a hole in--a whol the whole. any after rescuing the children making contact with the children of both understanding that they were alert and conversing. it was a big sense of release because normally these types of incidents to not turn out as well as they did. this is a happy ending today. nobody was injured. certainly no one was killed. the children and parents were reunited and it was a very happy ending. >> very fortunate. two adults and two other children were taken to the hospital by ambulance. officials say none of the people in the boat will rely jackets. >> off fairfield police are still looking for two suspects involved in a series of mail theft. investigators believe a man and a woman driving a car uc off. a four-door nissan
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sedan. they have been taking male and the local creek neighborhood. residents are buys a check their boxes every day and have the post office told any deliveries if you will be out of town. >> off walnut creek police chief is to retire next year. he has spent more than 30 years and law- enforcement. the last five he has led the walnut creek police department. he said it is time for him to move on. he is expected to step down sometime in the next six to eight months. we would take a break it is for 20 2:00 a.m. let us go outside and give a quick look as we go check in the ride on west bound 80. traffic is a light side.
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good morning. welcome back. a new york city has been charged with murder. the murder of a brother and sister found fatally stabbed in a manhattan bathtub. she was arrested and charged first and second degree murder in each of the october 26th stabbing deaths. ortega has been recovering from stab wounds plea to be self-inflicted. please suggest that ortega killed the boy and girl. >> 82 year old boy died sunday after falling into a pen for african painted dogs. zoo officials said the boy fell off a 14 ft. height observation deck and the animals got aggressive before the zoo keepers to scare them away. police say an officer did have to shoot and kill one of the dogs. by the time they got the boy there was a convicted do.
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african painted box of in in dangerous species. the zoo will remain closed today. >> federal investors get is an atlanta police helicopter hit the top of the prior lot before it crashed to the street killing two police officers. no one on the ground was injured. police said the helicopter was searching for a nine year old boy with us since been found on her arm. witnesses said they heard the helicopter and saw a flash of light as it hit the power pole. a piece of the landing gear was still stuck in the wire. investigators are trying to figure out why the helicopter was flying low in the first place. >> prosecutor axing a california appeals court to allow they reach trial. for howard stern--stern cannot be retried without violating his protection against double jeopardy. the motion
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filed on friday at the court changes release or grant a rehearing. it would take a quick break for 20 7:00 a.m. we have a live look at the golden gate bridge. traffic is light on 101 as you making a way down to marin county. an unseasonably warm day for november we will have more on our high temperatures coming out route the morning.
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we are back. 4:30 a.m. is a time. we have an easy start this monday morning we will find out how to commute to shape up as we had throughout the morning. let us turn our focus to
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weather. that is the curve ball today. we are talking really warm for november. >> that is right james. most locations will be between 15 and 20 degrees compared to what we are used to for this time of year. we take it outside to our mount tam cam the camera shot in around so slight that there are winds to contend with. temperatures not to backed by to talk about the hot weather. later this afternoon we are in record- breaking territory. downtown san francisco coming in at 80 degrees. it has not been that hot since 1984 the state. 82 in oakland for even old record set in 1976. san jose expected to climb to 83 degrees again that is breaking an old record set back in 1901. very more to hot conditions on tap for live today. the reason why it would take it out to satellite and radar high- pressure is firmly in control. one conditions
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today that will continue into tomorrow. right now is a relatively modest are to the morning. clear skies. ground fog developing in north bay valleys. of '50s out the door for vallejo. 61 in downtown san francisco. 49 in fairfield. futurecast for predict into the 12:00 hour we will see 77 of the heart of the bay. 84 places like san jose and santa rosa. at around 3:00 p.m. we will start to see more bridge on the screen indicating where we will see the '80s. >> certainly a deck of tank tops and shorts. 814 fremont. 84 in mountain view. upper 80s for cupertino and los cause. looking at your extended forecast of warm weather record-breaking to apertures transitioning into tomorrow. we will see mostly sunny skies of around the entire bay area. coastal fog will remain in the low seventies.
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the perfect time to head to the beach. this could be the last really warm sets of days for the year. wednesday will will be drastically:. for in a in spots climate of low seventies. mid-60's about the bay in a 60 sciroccos. we do have a chance for wet weather into thursday and friday. full details coming up in your your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast. traffic shows like conditions at the approach bay bridge toll plaza. san mateo bridge a live look for you west bound traffic slowed output foster city. southbound 101 the golden gate bridge no accidents to report. >> thank you erica. new this morning fire fighters have put out a one alarm fire at a pleasant hill strip mall. the fire broke out and rob a 11:00 p.m. last night at a shopping center at the 500 block of contra costa boulevard a pleasant hill. the fire was under control
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in about 20 minutes. not sure how many businesses were affected by the blaze. the cause of the fire remains under investigation. we're learning more about the death of a man who was hit by a muni trains friday morning. the man was walking the tracks between the montgomery and embarcadero muni station when he was hit and killed at around 7:26 a.m. on friday. the accident caused the shutdown of the two stations for several hours. causing widespread delays with the morning commute. as of now the incident remains under investigation. >> muni insulants company says torching is not covered and in cities thus enjoy a policy. --insurance policy. many will not see a dime of the $700,000 cost of the bay
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shore express' was. worst that particular boz had recently undergone a $300,000 face lift. >> off on to politics the clock is ticking for decision 22 of the race for the white house. nearing the finish line a challenger mitt romney making final appeal today to voters for the head to the polls tomorrow. andrew spencer has the lakers were the race to the white house. >> barack obama a mitt romney comic the rows of their final day on the campaign trail. going to key battleground states making their pitch to vote voters. >> president obama will stop in ohio before election night. army will be in virginia and new hampshire. running mates will make rounds as well. joe biden has stops plant in sterling in richmond va.. paul ryan will visit nevada colorado and ohio. president obama urged the crowd to stick with him for four more years.
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>> you have a choice to make. it is not just a choice between to partisan and it is, it is a choice between two different visions for america. on the one hand, you can choose to return to the top out policies that crashed our economy. or, you could join me in building a future that focuses on a strong and growing middle-class. >> at a rally in cleveland sunday romney said it is time for change. put aside all the speeches and on the hat. and of the attacks and look at the record. talk is cheap. but a record is real and it is earned with a real effort. change is not measured in words and speeches change is measured in achievement. let us look at that record. >> i am andrew spencer reporting. >> an international " shows
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the race a dead heat this point. 49 percent of voters that it supports the president of the very same number said they support mitt romney. since it is too close to call we will keep you updated as the returns coming in. watch our special we have a live in extended special coming up on election night and 11 pp.m. until midnight. another resource is our web site we will also be of facebook in twitter as well. >> both president obama and mitt romney are taking in a test-taping interviews that will air tonight. senator obama said to to john mccain four years ago talked to-- refuse to air during the halftime show. >> we will take a break for 30 6:00 a.m. is a time. a live look showing us the
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ride at 101 in san jose where traffic is on a light side. currently 56 in the south bay we are looking for a daytime high of 83. 83 degrees in early november that is a good 15 in in some ways 20 degrees warmer than what we should see this time of year. kids need to wear shorts to school. we will be right back.
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new research shows diabetics with clock pottery's their bed with bypass surgery instead of having spent to prop open their blood vessel. some of the best-
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some suffered from heart attacks and strokes. >> balancing your checkbook or splitting the bill can be a pain in more ways than you may have thought. a new study finds they anxiety caused by sobbing, and that problems have the potential to cause physical pain. that hurts. the university of chicago researchers found that solving equations cause the same brand activity has experienced a physical pain that some people. the activity is greater for people who elected to having a fear of mass. >> cold weather could be putting people return to their homes at risk. one of the risk we're been told about the victim's face is carbon monoxide poisoning due to the use of directors to warn the house because the electricity has not been restored. officials also warned of infection or injuries caused by
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floodwaters. also the risk of mold and hyper permian. the risk of contaminated water and spoiled food all those opposed health risk to storm victims. at 441 a m. we will take a quick break. we have a live look at our san mateo bridge canada. no problems but the san mateo bridge has become a chronic problem the on the morning. >> currently in san the tail is 54 degrees but we will limit of 30 degrees by this afternoon. a high of 84. we are talking low to mid-80s possible for this day of november. can you believe it?. there may be a chance of a degree weather at the coast. november at the beach. is a possibility today.
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a cent and rescue effort to play saturday afternoon. rescue helicopters found five victims clinging to the hall of the overturned boat. two children were trapped inside the boat which had been towed to shore. firefighters were able to cut a hole in the whole and will the kids out safely. there were trans sport to petaluma valley hospital with hypothermia. considering the circumstances things could have been worse. >> after rescuing the children actually, making contact with the children and the boat and understanding there were alert and conversing. it was a big sense of relief because anomaly these types of incidents to not turn out as well. this is a very happy ending today. nobody was injured certainly nobody
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was killed. the children in the territory in 9 it was a happy ending. >> to adults and two other children were taken to the hospital by ambulance. officials said on the the people in the boat will rely check. very fortunate. >> things went much more smoothly in santa cruz where thousands of people packed the shoreline for the cold water classic is today. is one of the biggest surfing events of the year. it will continue to around 6:30 a.m. wraping up tomorrow. yesterday was one of the biggest crowds in since the 1980's. joe parkinson feed the eight young. --nate y oung. hear some picked--the time is 4:45 a.m.. we are going from warm to hot weather on this monday.
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erica has a look at your forecast. >> good morning erica. >> the morning the weaken was absolutely gorgeous. ticket is one in the '70s. we could climb into the low eighties for coastal spots a day. temperatures between 5 and 10 degrees warmer than we experienced yesterday. we have ground all for our more bellies. into the afternoon clear conditions. sunny weather. record-breaking numbers on tap. looking ahead middle of this week where we will see things going down. we will transition from summer to winter by thursday as we are tracking cold front that ashley or showers. out of the door now 50s across the bay area. 58 in hayward. mid-50s and half from bay. afternoon temperatures futurecast for predicts to o'clock '70s rock part of the bay. places like santa rosa. as we go live to 3:00
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p.m. we will see more warrants on the screen indicating it to possibly upper 80s. some locations actually flirting with the 90 degree mark. here's the breakdown of a benevolent. ladies and apple vallejo. 82 in antioch. 77 and ailing city. it is a beach day period low 80s upper seventies perfect conditions to work on your tan. santa cruz coming in at 83. upper seventies from monterrey. as is live up the coastline stinson beach 80. mid-70s for ocean beach and 79 in pacifica. your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows a record- breaking temperatures on tap as we head into tomorrow. wednesday noticeably cooler conditions. we will keep the sunshine route again we are tracking a cold front we could see showers along and after it. that could continue into friday. partly
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cloudy conditions for the weekend and temperatures below average. more on the weather forecast coming up in a bid. out the door in traffic no hot spots. it is quiet. the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza more cars on the road to 10 minutes ago is moving at top speeds. not only here the toll plaza but at the incline and across the upper deck. the san mateo bridge more tell lies on the right hand side of your screen although the drive is still 12 minutes from antigen. southdown 101 looking good. no delays to speak of the look of the traffic mess. speaking of traffic that's all is well for the east shore relied west bound 24 coming out of the tunnel. highway 13 and minor tap on the brakes other than that you are good. southbound 6802 the san ramon valley. i am keeping an eye on west bound 580 of the altamonte
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pass one of the first spots to back up and the bay area. >> thank you erica. on to bay area sports teams. because of a loophole fulmar alpha% physical giants miguel cabrera will receive his share of the championship botas. --bonus. he is said to received 72.2% of the share. but because of a rule that states that if they suspended player is left off the roster for more than 10 games after his suspension the clear received for share. the giants played 11 games he was eligible to return he met the qualifications he will now get a check worth over $300,000 despite not playing in a single playoff game. we asked on our face the page what you thought about him getting the bonus.
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here's what some of you had to say. kenny jennings said it is what is. a contract is a contract. it will be good for cabrera to delegate the bonus money to charity or to a nonprofit drug program. >> and other fan says as a giants fan he is a giant despite what happened he pay for it with the suspension and not be able to play the postseason. our final, it says the team always finds a way to when someone always steps up. you could also join in on the conversation leave russia comment we will share more of your thoughts. >> thank you james. in other bay area sports news the oakland raiders lost a close game against the tampa bay buccaneers. 42-32 yesterday. the game remained closed to the buccaneers forced a late fourth quarter interception to sell again. the listing
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to the rookie that the raiders had such an uphill battle ahead of them and this was the first time that the bucks have won here in oakland. in ads and a deputy commissioner and the play association special counsel discuss the labor issue of the weekend. the league has canceled all the games in november and a popular with a classic. the talks apparently went well and the two sides plan to meet the bargaining table again sometime soon. >> the playoffs are returning to the bay area this time is the san jose earthquakes that kicked off their first playoff game against the l.a. galaxy. winning 1-0. a second game
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of the series will be played in santa clara on wednesday with the winner moving on to play for a spot in the m l s cup finals. the are quakes only need a tie to advance into the next round. >> a break now for 50 2:00 a.m. at getting quick look outside our toll plaza shot shows the ride on west bound 80. we also are looking the warm temperatures this afternoon. oakland is 56 we are looking for a daytime high of 82 in early november. pretty crazy to think about. today will be a warm day this warm trend will last for at least a couple of days this week we will get our future forecast with erica in a bit. p
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you could give a late-night fan a piece of entertainment history this year. plus a newcomer rec's the competition at the box office. here is it today in hollywood minute. >> late night host jimmy camel is auction in off his desk to raise money for the super storm center relief effort. the custom made brooklyn think the desk designed by camel late-night host david letterman and comedy central star stephen cobher. the auction is november 14th. all the proceeds will benefit the american red cross. friday night's all-star telethon raised millions for the red cross. many celebrities were a vast desert their to donate their voices to the cost. the program aired on
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nbc. it raised nearly $23 million. >> the estimated movie took in $49 million in its debut weekend. denzel washington's latest movie flights soared past the competition to quit the no. 2 spot. it hit 25 min dollars. our goal route out the top three. the ban afleck movie continues to impress or divorced. >> here's a look at your your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast are we have warm temperatures today unseasonably warm. inland highs around 84 degrees 82 or bay. we could kick a few beaches getting up towards the 82 park as well. we will hang on to warm weather to tomorrow until things finally cooled down that resemble something coasters and of them will. still
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ahead on the kron 4 morning news one day until election day. the canada to making their final campaign stops. we will wrap up all things decision 2012 coming up in a moment. san francisco's insurance policy is giving city officials a major headache when it comes to replacing that muni bus. why muni to be paying big bucks to replace the bus that was set on fire. warm weather on the way with check with erica to get full support in just a minute.
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1 (male announcer) live from the bay area's news station, this is the kron 4 morning news.
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can't officer involved shooting is one of today in fremont. >> where does one get away from the election. we will see what the cam painters are doing the final day of their election. >> >> the morning the aria is in one of my morning those locations and '50s. clear skies of the most part. the big stories into the afternoon mostly sunny conditions blue skies and temperatures 5 to 10 degrees warmer compare to what we saw yesterday. between 50 and 20 degrees higher than the seasonal average. clear skies will persist. light winds and temperatures in the '60s and '70s.
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forecasting downtown san francisco coming in at 80 degrees kubrick a old record set in 1980. san jose expected to reach 83 bracket and old record set back in 1901. it has not been as warm and over a century i will have the in numbers in my next report. >> traffic nice and like route the bay area no major hot spots to trouble spots. we will start off with a live look at traffic heading into san francisco by way of the golden gate. a nice easy ride between novato in san francisco. 22 minutes total dry time. traffic by sunlight no problems in the east bay. south bay traffic looking good 101, 280, 87. i was careful traffic check in just a bit. >> thank you robyn. a story out of the east bay were firefighters have put out a one alarm fire in a pleasant hill strip mall. the fire broke out around 11:00 p.m.
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last night. concord is off to the ride high with four running along the top of the screen and pleasant hill is right there south of highway 4. i mention this was a strip mall and the 500 block of contra costa boulevard. you will see the strip on the question in the lower left corner of your screen. the fire broke out around 11:00 p.m. last night was under control and about 20 minutes but it is unclear how many businesses were affected by the blaze and the strip mall. the cause of the fire remains of an investigation. we expect to get the latest details in a live report shortly. we'll come back to the store we do. >> the race for the white house now approaching the finish line. president obama and mitt romney in the campaign trail for their final days. both candidates try to keep the kron states. president obama and wisconsin, iowa and ohio. >> mitt romney will go to
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virginia and new hampshire he watched a return to boston. the running mate also make rounds vice- presidential buy stops plant in sterling gingrich of virginia. for paul ryan will visit the bottle, coddled, and ohio. a poll shows that the race is a dead heat. 49 percent of voters said they support the president and the same number said they backed the former governor of massachusetts. remember it is not about the popular vote is about the lack of oil college and the key states will be virginia flaw and ohio wisconsin and the data to determine the presidency. kron 4 will have extended live coverage of election night starting at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night you could also see on our website we also watching the races in congress we will have more on what and who is expected to take control of the house and senate. >> thank you market is 5:03 a.m.. there would be strike
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a second day for a grocery store workers. the workers walked off the job over the weekend after 15 months of contract negotiations that got nowhere. the grocery workers union accuses of bargaining in bad faith. the officials reject the allegations the striking workers hope the situation resolved quickly. >> usually when a strike does decide what is effective is pretty short. that is what we're hoping for. when it's a hit the stores of hit them hard. as you can see in the background the numbers are united and ready to roll. >> it urgently needs to cut costs and fiercely competitive market. the sacramento based chain includes several stores has closed five stores in the past years. that are expanding too much of a 49
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unionized stores said since 2008. the column day on the bay turned into a search and rescue mission. the boat was slipover five people were thrown into the water including two children. you can see the boat flipped over. rescue helicopters found the five clinging to the whole of the vote and two more children were trapped inside the boat. you concede they told it to shore. firefighters were able to cut a hole in the hall will the children out safely. they were taken to a hospital in pelham with a hyperthermia. of the people in the boat were in a light jacket. >> 8 state and city and county level of birdseed managers from california communities including san francisco or headed east to assist in the recovery efforts in the wake of hurricane center. they were deployed at are headed now to hawthorne york the
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deployment is being courted to the emergency management assistance compaq. an agreement allowing states to share our emergency workers. the bay area salvation army disaster relief coordinator has been deployed to the east coast to provide food water and shelter those affected. the organization says a on a daily basis one and 100,000 people are receiving their meals with their food trucks. all of them are available to be deployed in a moment's notice. the south asian army says that monetary could donations continue to be the most important. if you would like to donate you can visit the organization's web site. >> different picture in the bay area as we take a look at our weather, and clear and warm out. san francisco 61 now. we are looking for a high in the 80s today in san francisco and all around the bay as we are now on to
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november 5th this monday morning. i do not forget that you had to change the clocks back. it is 507 a m. we will be back with more. >> a gorgeous weekend around the bay area. it will be five and 10 degrees warmer than we saw on sunday. clear and sunny. record-breaking temperatures as we head into the afternoon. pretty much the same story into tomorrow. we are checking a cold front to pass from alaska. could see some showers along with it on the back in that is on schedule for thursday and friday. temperatures below the seasonal average as we transition into the weekend. here's a sample of some of the highs. downtown san francisco 80 degrees later
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this afternoon breaking a record set in 1980. san jose climbed to 83 breaking a record set in 19 01. it has not been this warm in november for over a century. such a radar shows the bigger picture high pressure firmly and control clear skies and on the bay area. futurecast chosen to the 3:00 p.m. hour '70s and '80s and on the bay. as we go into a begin tonight holding on to the '70s however, we will start to see 66 for some of what the east a spot. neighborhood by neighborhood 844 mountain view. 83 in sunnyvale. to the east bay sunny skies low eighties for fairfield caulker. 81 for walnut creek. 83 in hayward. and 11 along the coast. ocean beach coming in at 76. 814 vallejo. 80 for downtown san francisco. your kron 4 7 day
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around the bay forecast record-breaking heat last into tomorrow as well. wednesday will be noticeably cooled. rain for thursday and friday. saturday and sunday drive the temperatures below average.
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waiting for the opening bell this morning. focus likely to stay on the election with very few economic reports coming out this week. we are watching hkeeping an eye on toyota. the quarterly profit tripled driven by recover from natural disasters. the company rented it for your earnings forecast. now on track to regain the no. 1 auto maker of title this
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year. we are seeing a big strike state hospital doctors, taxi drivers, and journalists walking off the job at the beginning of a three day strike. >> thank you mark. gas prices around the bay area continued to get a little bit. according toaaa the averages for san francisco for 13 per gallon. in san jose the average is $3.94 per gallon. on a national scale the average price is $3.47 per gallon. that is down 29¢ since last month. thousands have francisco pay the highest across the nation for gas. this is the sharpest drop in gas prices
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since 2008 and is likely to drop another 10 to 20¢ in the next couple of weeks. people cannot and enough gas in the wake of a super storm center. >> we have a live look as we head outside. we will give you a quick look at our maps. the current temperatures mild in some spots 51 in san francisco 57 in 7 cisco that-san jose. ♪
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[ female announcer ] nature exists on the grandest scale... ♪
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...and in the tiniest details. ♪ and sometimes both. nature valley granola thins pack the big taste of granola and dark chocolate into one perfect square, under 100 calories. nature valley granola thins. nature at its most delicious. it sparks a movement. look ! no ugly spots ! and see that shine ! you've got to try finish. because once they try finish, they can't keep it to themselves. i'm switching for good. wow ! awesome ! finish is seriously good. cannot believe how great it works. incredible shine. i won't use anything else. love, love, love finish ! so far over a million neighbors, friends, and family have switched to finish.
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join the finish revolution. recommended by more dishwasher brands worldwide. >> welcome back as i 3:00 p.m.. take a look at the weather which will be nice and toasty. is unclear in walnut creek on the left- hand side and easy ride for the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. >> we will not be writing
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this heat wave for long because tipsters will drop drastically as we move in closer to wednesday. monday and tuesday proclaimed beach days upper seven is located along the coast. clear conditions as we take it outside to our roof cam in downtown san francisco. as of now temperatures on the mild side. 59 in san francisco. 57 in oakland. low 50s and concord mid '50s in san carlos. satellite and radar tells the story we have high pressure firmly in control. we are seeing clear conditions of the bay area we have some ground fog forming for some of our north bay valleys. that opens the door for problems with visibility. the good news it will burn off into the afternoon. futurecast for predicts by 3:00 p.m. '70s and '80s pretty much everywhere. we could climb into the upper 80s flirting with '90s for the site santa rosa and los gatos. as we
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pushed the clock until later tonight 8:00 p.m. we will start to see some green trickle in indicating what was in the '60s. there afternoon highs never of a by neighborhood. it will be toasted one. mount view a four. 85 and thou tell. the upper 80s for cupertino los gatos. 84 in santa clara off. to the east bay antioch 82. low eighties for walnut creek and san leandro. mostly sunny conditions temperatures above average. 80 to for annapolis. 84 in petaluma. downtown san francisco at 80 degrees and 76 in ocean beach. your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows warm weather record-breaking temperatures continue into tomorrow. again temperatures between 15 and 20 degrees warmer compares were used to for this time of the year. temperatures drop by about 10 degrees on wednesday. tracking a cold front pushing through from the gulf of alaska for 13
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friday. with that expected like to rain. saturday and sunday it looks to be dry but temperatures well below the seasonal average. low 60s inland. 60s around the bay and upper 50s for the coast. at 5:18 a.m. that is a rare weather on to traffic. good morning robin. good morning off at the start off with your right into san francisco. a live look on the bay bridge toll plaza. like off no delays. traffic moving well across the upper deck and to downtown san francisco. on highway 92 doing fine. the approach is trouble-free. and it's moving well in both directions connected with 92 as well as 101 if you are coming from the peninsula. the golden gate bridge looking good so far. no problems between the north bay in san francisco. 22 men tried time for novato coming into downtown san francisco. traffic tracker picking up
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slowing. as you merge from 2052 the altamonte headed to livermore. not too bad no accidents along that stretch typical commuter traffic. 38 minutes for the drive from tracy heading to pleasanton. just off the bypass and the slope to the construction you have to lie to traffic and no trouble spots. give yourself extra time traveling toward concord and a point. >> thank you robyn. 5:19 a.m.. take a look at the video of the damage of the breed in rockaway beach after hurricane sandy. hurricane turned super storm. the number of people not have power is down from what it was before. public transit is making a comeback. you still have to allow a lot of extra time traveling this week by
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public transit. many schools will finally be back in session today even though some of the classrooms do not have heat. new york city elections officials say some polling places will have to be moved or combined because of sandy. there could be trouble with the electronic voting machines in the area that had no power. if they county has less to 25 percent voter turnout the officials could ask the state elections board for a second day of voting. that unusual clause is in new york state law but has never been used. >> hundreds of runners showed up to participate in the york city marathon despite the fact that it was canceled friday. video of the rotor is gathering estate data to kickoff the bid. those runners showed up on staten island to help deliver supplies to relieve centers and the girls. they also took donations door to door. staten island was one
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of the hardest hit. mayor bloomberg canceled the met on friday. >> in bay area news a family-as a san leandro couple arrested after a shooting is said to be arraigned today. the suspect open fire on a 21 your romantic costume party and took off and a car driven by the second suspect. the victim has life threatening injuries to the head. a vehicle rollover has killed four people. this accident had been around for p.m. yesterday afternoon's out the franklin road along interstate 5. three cars were involved in the crash and seven other people have to go to the house the a somewhat critical injuries. no. mount interstate 5 at to is his robe was shut down.
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>> chief joe brighton has spent 30 years in law enforcement. the last five years at police department. he plans to help hire a new police chief to replace him. he it to expected to step down in the next eight months. >> it is 5:22 a.m. let's take a live look at the san mateo bridge. traffic is nice and light. it is nice and clear and dry. it will be a warm one. san mateo is at 54. the high today is going to be 84 degrees not bad for after halloween. this is the fifth period is november 5th. we will be right back.
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you disgust me.
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prove it. enough is enough. d-con no view, no touch trap snaps to kill instantly. no looking, no touching. d-con. get out.
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we are back. is 5:25 a.m.. in national news a two year- old boy has died after falling in a pin for african paid dogs. this happened
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yesterday. the boy fell off a 14 ft. high observation deck. animals got aggressive before the zookeeper's could steer them away. the dog small but the child. officers had to shoot and kill one of the dog. by the time that to the dog--the child there was nothing they could do. the dogs or endangers species. >> a new york and then it is charged with the murder of the kids she was watching in the case of a brother and sister found fatally stabbed a man had a bathtub. the children's nanny ortega has been charged with second- degree murder. she has been recovering from a stab wound that authorities believe she inflicted upon herself from the outset police suggested that thought ortega had killed the six year-old and her one your brother. >> we will take a break it is 526 a m here's a quick
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look at temperatures. you can see 61 in san francisco. tiryns their villa santa rosa 49. 53 in the south bay in san jose. unseasonably warm weather. if you are wondering the kids it should probably wear shorts to school. we are talking low to mid '80s in our inland areas. no. bay south bay it does not matter they will all be warm today. it will be nice and toasty at the beach is as well. headlines and more of the forecast coming up.
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>> if president obama is reelected he only needs--33 seats are up for grabs tomorrow and doesn't appear that the democrats will hold on to the senate. the
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republicans will still hold it before the house of representatives. >> it is now 5:34 a.m. and firefighters put out a fire at a strip mall. this fire broke out about 11:00 p.m. last night. this is on contra costa boulevard and within 20 minutes they had this fire out and at this point they do not know how many businesses were affected by this fire. they are still investigating this fire. >> a man is in the hospital after being hit by car in santa rosa. he was crossing this road and he was struck by a car and the driver fled the scene. he was arrested hours later after a
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witness notified police. >> a toddler is shot over the weekend and she was 1 years old. she was airlifted to children's hospital in oakland where she had surgery for a single gunshot wound. the police are looking at the possibilities of a drive-by shooting. >> take a look at cell phone video of this torching that happen when the giants clinched the world series. according to the chronicle the muni will not see a dime of the money due to the cost of the damage of this bus. this particular bus has recently undergone a $3,000 face lift. >> we are learning more
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about the man who was hit by a moving train on friday morning. he has now been identified. he was walking on the tracks he was not supposed to be in this area and he fell down and was struck and killed. it was about 730 there was widespread delays because of this so they're still trying to figure out why was he was in a restricted area. >> the nurses are in their final three day strike and their protest in wages and other issues that they're having problems with. they walk off the job on saturday and the president of the nurses association stated that your your representatives and the
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hospital are disagreeing on pay and staffing issues. the nurses were joined by others who work at the hospital. >> as we head to a brief break traffic has been light all morning long and we do expect it to build up. we're as 57 degrees right now and oakland is expected to get up to that stashed will get a complete full forecast from erica coming up.
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>> as we continue to cover the facts of super storm sandy. if the co weather is still want to be difficult for people who do not have heat. they face carbon monoxide poisoning because they're using generators to warm their homes. this is a risk and also there is a
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risk of infection and the mold and highbrow permian. people may drink contaminated water and this exposes a nother thread. >> new research shows that diabetics with clogged arteries are better off with a bypass surgery that having stance. dr. stated that only 19 percent who had bypass surgery suffered a another heart attack within five years. this is results from the survey done by-- >> we are off to a mild start and there are widespread 50s and 60s. we will replace this with the upper 70's to mid '80s by this afternoon. we are talking about a potential
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for a degree weather. we will have more on are warm weather coming up.
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>> welcome back it is now 5:45 a.m.. >> fremont police are investigating a police shooting. police shot a man who was involved in a domestic dispute and he later died at the hospital. >> firefighters put out a small fire at the pleasant hill strip mall. it was an overnight a fire that happened around 11:30 p.m. last night. >> the race for the white house is approaching the finish line. ar a new cnn polls
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stated that the race is a dead heat. 49 percent of, reporters said they support president obama and the same percentage also supports mitt romney. >> look at this video of all of them lined up. this was the biggest surfing of the year. organizers stated that this crowd was the biggest they have seen since this started back in the '80s. 11 time warnethe waves also had tht surfers in the country. if you enjoy the weather at the beach yesterday you will enjoy it today. >> no matter where you are
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today will be unseasonably warm. >> everyone will be in the same bvote. take a look at the numbers coming up. it is a mild start for the morning it is 57 degrees in hayward and have moon bay. it is low fifties for napa. future cast 4 for lunchtime states that it will be a good time to have lunch outside. you will see low 80s for santa rosa. as we pushed in to 3:00 p.m. your afternoon high will indicate mid to upper 80s. if is november
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5th and its expected to be a warm one. it will be 82 degrees in oakland. if you want to head to the beach this is a perfect day to do so. it iit will be mostly sunny conditions for ocean beach japan and the pacifica will be at 80 degrees. when said it will be drastically cooler and the temperatures will climb to the low 70's. on thursday we are tracking a cold front and showers may be coming. the rain may carry on to friday. there are dry conditions for saturday and sunday. you can see that in
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this short stretch of days we go from summer like conditions to winter conditions. >> just a little bit of a back up on the bay bridge toll plaza. on the left-hand side for those of you heading into the city. we have installed reported. this is in the last line in this is adding to your slow traffic. overall your drive time has just increased by five minnesotas that 50 minutes.minutes and it is up to5 minutes. it is still a 22 minute drive time from nevada to downtown. give
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yourself some extra time as you work your way to castro valley. we still have slowed traffic on westbound for4. >> the oakland raiders lost to the tampa bay buccaneers yesterday. the final score was 4232 to 32. an oakland native dug a martin just ran all over the place. he scored four touchdowns and he becomes the first player in nfl history to rush for three touchdowns in a game. this is the first time the
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tampa bay buccaneers ever won in oakland. >> their second game of the series will be played on wednesday. this series winner will be combined and decided. >> let's talk hockey. a secret and a bargaining meeting that took place over the weekend. there may have been some positive results and they met the first time since october. they met to discuss the labor issue and the talks went well. that may come to an agreement but we have heard that the gains for november have been cancelled as long as with the winter classic. we are hoping that
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will give some type of hockey season coming up. >> former san francisco giant milky clara will receive his full share of the world series and bonus. because of a rule that says that is suspended player who was left off the roster for more than 10 days. the giants played 11 games after he was eligible to return so he will get a check worth somewhere about $300,000 despite not playing in any single playoff game. we asked what the two fell about that on our face book page. >> milky play in their whole season so he turned it whether it's dirty or not. >> sharing is caring. the
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giants are a great organization and he should have a part. >> everyone deserves a second chance and i am sure that he has learned from his mistakes. >> i am glad that he is getting a cut whether he's a cheater are not. >> i would not change a thing about this season or who contributed. >> you can join this conversation of facebook or coron
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>> welcome back is 5:56 a.m.. >> check out this floor it is made of all pennies. this
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pennsylvania woman used all of these pennies to basically tile her floor. she stated it was cheaper to glue the spinneys than to buy tile. this is $2,500 instead of her using--i guess her attention is good and she has patients. this was a a hundred square foot. can you legally do this? >> is this like defacing money? >> no. you can do what you want to do with your money. >> the race to the white house is approaching the finish line and we will have more on this coming up.
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>> we are tracking the bay area he way that would have your full forecast coming up next.
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